The trouble with working in groups

Over the last couple of weeks, my PBL group members and I have been discussing the best ways to cultivate a collaborative learning environment. One concern that came up is how to deal with freeloaders. We discussed this from a teacher perspective, but thinking back on all my experiences with freeloaders (and my own failures to deal with it effectively), I’m left wondering what the internet recommends from a student perspective.

…and no surprises there. It’s the usual communicate, document, talk to the teacher combo. And no wonder students find group work so stressful, because this fails to acknowledge the complexity of the situations:

  • I don’t want my grade to suffer. One point that came up in the research, and in PBL conversation, is that collaborating within a competitive landscape is difficult by design. Sometimes well-intentioned group members can be made into freeloaders, if they are regularly steamrolled by their more ambitious partners.
  • If I complain to the teacher, it will only make me look bad. I have felt this as a student, and I’ve heard this from my own students. As an educator, I agree that students should work things out within their group whenever possible, but I also believe it’s my job to support them in this – through pedagogy, conversation, and intervention if necessary. As a student, when I’ve tried to approach teachers about this, more often than not I was met with annoyance. I felt that I lost esteem with the instructor, just by bringing it up. I think this is an effective (if lazy and irresponsible) strategy on their part.
  • I want to maintain a positive relationship with my classmates. Perhaps there is a cohort, or perhaps even short-term social tension will be more draining than a few extra hours of homework.
  • The teacher is only assigning group work so they have less marking to do. Cynical, perhaps, and probably true some of the time. In this case the student doesn’t believe that the teacher cares about their learning, and they don’t believe there is value in collaboration.
  • I don’t have the skills to confront my group member. Especially with younger students, we can’t assume they have the interpersonal skills required to navigate group conflict on their own.
  • I’d rather do it on my own anyways. If the learner is a lone wolf type, or if they have a string of negative group experiences behind them, there isn’t motivation to resolve the freeloading issue.

As I write, I’ve come to understand my teacher-identity better. My brain loves perspective shifts – sudden openings-up that make the world bigger, more complicated, and more interesting. They delight me like nothing else. As a teacher, I’m realizing I love to help students change perspective. I love to change their minds about their understandings of themselves and the world. I love to change their minds about group work, too! Here’s how I would start the work of building trust with a group-work-hating student.

  • I don’t want my grade to suffer. Dr Randy Garrison recommends grading individual learners, and I agree. Shifting assessment to be more-process-and-less-product works too.
  • If I complain to the teacher, it will only make me look bad. I am so mad at a few of my past instructors in hindsight. One way to address this is by incorporating collaborative learning outcomes into the course design. This way, the instructor is on the hook to support students as they learn how to muck through group dynamics – and it also acknowledges that students aren’t experts yet.
  • I want to maintain a positive relationship with my classmates. While it’s hard to completely address this, the instructor can work to normalize conflict, and can require accountability checks as part of the group process. New groups can have a group member identity conversation to help align expectations early on: What grade are you aiming for? Do you feel comfortable leading? Do you like direct feedback, or do you prefer a feedback sandwich? What was the best group experience you ever had, and why? What was the worst?
    Another idea is to put students in groups with people they haven’t worked with yet.
  • The teacher is only assigning group work so they have less marking to do. Again, this can be resolved with purposeful course design. If collaboration is represented in learning outcomes, it should address this cynicism. Better yet, a good instructor should introduce the course purpose and learning outcomes at the onset, and be prepared to justify the relevance of any course activity if needed.
  • I don’t have the skills to confront my group member. Acknowledging that students aren’t experts, and giving them tools to choose from, can alleviate a lot of the pressure a conflict-adverse student is feeling. A great practice is for the teacher to facilitate a conversation early on, addressing students’ greatest group work fears. What will we do if one of our group members isn’t doing their fair share? What could we try if other group members aren’t listening to our ideas? What if we feel we don’t have anything valuable to contribute?
  • I’d rather do it on my own anyways. This one is hard, because you can’t really address it other than providing a great experience that will hopefully change their mind for future. By including collaboration in learning outcomes, and by assessing process, at least you can make sure they don’t get out of it. 🙂
    One thing I do with my students in a particularly emotionally taxing course – where they address a rapid group design challenge for the first time in their program – is I get them to write love letters to future students. Think back to when you first started this course, and you were feeling overwhelmed about what was ahead. What would you say to the next students, who are in the same spot? I then share the kind notes, full of support and advice. I believe it helps the most anxious students trust that it won’t be so bad!

Product VS Process

I have been thinking a lot about Product vs. Process in the education world. I find great joy in helping student transcend their results-orientation, if only for a moment, perhaps because I find it so hard to transcend myself. I do this both consciously and intuitively, through curriculum and instructional design, assessment practices, and modeling. The modeling part feels most essential, and it can be exhausting. It feels very much like counselling sometimes: being attuned to verbal and nonverbal cues to the emotional states of others; confirming and acknowledging those feelings, making space for them; assuring the learner that the way she feels is normal and OK; explaining ways the thinking has been trained into her, and the ways it is counter productive; suggesting and modeling ways to do it differently; celebrating successes; facilitating reflection. When I see my students start to provide this kind of support to their peers, it’s truly magic.

When I am teaching, more and more it feels like therapy. I don’t know if this means I’m doing it wrong, or doing it right. Much of my learning feels therapeutic to me, but I think often I create these conditions within myself.

In reflection, I’ve only had a few process-oriented learning experiences. One was during my graduate education. I had to write a paper… I don’t even remember what the parameters were. I was struggling with debilitating anxiety and took a little European tour with my daughter in the middle of it. As I was researching, I started journaling. Drawings and reflections, on my readings, my process, and the ways they connected with my everyday, and I started to notice results. Every journaling session, I would start with a blind contour self-portrait, and then would write. My anxiety decreased, and I found such intrinsic enjoyment in the process that I was more motivated than I’d ever been. I asked my prof if I could chase this process, without knowing where it was going. It was a scary thing to ask, and I didn’t fully trust his permission, but I did it and found it to be transformative.

In the end, I didn’t land on a tidy product, but the result was opening up a whole new world (through research I wouldn’t have read otherwise, process, and an inside view of creativity and motivation) that turned into my final research project.

I think process-orientation is wrapped up with growth mindset, and is conducive to intrinsic motivation, collaboration, creativity, and all the other life-sustaining things in the education world. We need to learn how to land on the finished product too, but the focus (in life, in education) is already so heavily balanced in that direction, that we could afford to push the pendulum back a little.

What was the topic, again?

A whirlwind couple of weeks, in our first ONL topic – I had to look it up to refresh my memory: Online Participation and Digital Literacies. In some ways I felt like I lost sight of the topic as we navigated new collaborative relationships and figured out a new tool… in other words, while we lived the topic.

I had moments when I was glad I wasn’t a facilitator – it was a big job to manage the first topic and it must have been stressful. I’m not sure what I would have done differently. It was messy, but in the end, good – and I’m looking forward to trying out the thinglink tool again on another project.

I struggle with interpersonal discomfort as a teacher – frustration, checking-out, unequal labour distribution, good ideas not understood or unappreciated – I felt the disharmony in our group, but wasn’t bothered. I am aware of a different culture than I’m used to – I think in Canada people are more likely to go along with others’ ideas, though often the process will be sabotaged by protests unspoken. In the end I don’t know if anyone is completely happy with our result, but there were moments of unity, humour, and mutual appreciation, and I’m glad to move forward.

Oh, wait. Now I’m a topic leader. And I COMPLETELY misinterpreted the topic: Openness and Sharing. I assumed this was building on classroom safety, authenticity, etc – but it’s about open access in learning… something I am much less interested in, and much less knowledgeable about. I feel a steep learning curve coming on…